Sunday, January 2, 2011

Border Collie: Potty Training Fundamentals

A new border collie brings joy and excitement to all the family.  This breed is literally capable of performing tasks that may make life less troublesome.  And besides, knowing that there is somebody at home waiting for your return will paint a grin on your face even in your darkest days.

However, this joy and excitement often wears off quickly and the grins are turned into screams of frustration when this new baby is turning into a little monster and begins to use the house as his lavatory.  So, it is always advised to toilet train a border collie as soon as possible.

To make potty training simple and easier, you need to appreciate first the character of puppies.  Just like human babies, puppies have miniscule bladders and bowels.  This makes it harder for them to manipulate their need to eliminate.  The neatest thing a Border collie owner should do is to manage his pet closely.

Watch for indications that Fido is about to do his business.  These signs include turning in circles, sniffing the floor, pacing, whimpering or looking at you.  When your puppy exhibits any of these signs, take him to the right spot and let him do his thing.

Also, take him outside after waking up in the morning, after drinking and eating, after exercise and before heading off to bed.  Praise and reward your dog each time he does his thing outside.  By doing so, you are helping your pet develop his potty schedule.

The method can be time-consuming but do not worry.  It will not last for all time.  When your puppy is the right age to control his bladder and bowels (which occurs when he’s around 12 weeks old); things will be different.

It’s not a dog’s intention to commit accident intentionally.  Understand that accidents cannot be evaded and punishment isn’t required when correcting your dog.  When you come home to a pile of poor beside the couch, never hit your dog for it.  He’ll never understand that he’s being punished for the mistake he did hours ago.

When caught in the process of doing his thing inside the house, make a noise loud enough to distract him although not too loud to scare him to death.  Take him out straight away and let him finish at the right spot.  Praise and reward your dog after.

By being consistent and determined, you’ll eventually understand that you have become successful in your search for having a reliably housebroken border collie.

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