Friday, December 31, 2010

Training Your Dog the Right Way - The Basics

In order to be considered properly trained, there are some basic commands that he or she must master. Understanding these basic commands is vital to the well being of the dog, the owner and the family.

Learning just a few basic commands can go a long way toward creating a dog that is a joy to be around. Everyone has seen examples of both well trained and poorly trained dogs, and few people would opt for the poorly trained varieties. Training a dog properly the first time is especially vital for owners of dog breeds that have been bred for their aggressiveness, such as pit bulls, Doberman pinchers and German shepherds.

In addition, proper training is important for families with young children. Young children can torment dogs and cause biting reactions, so it is important that the dog learn how to deal with these types of situations.

The basic obedience commands that every dog must know are - "Heel", "No", "Sit", "Stay", "Down" and "Off". These six commands form the basis of every basic obedience class, and it is vital that you and your dog master these basic commands. These are the fundamentals, and it will be impossible to move onto other commands, or to correct problem behaviors, without having mastered the basics.


Let's start with the most basic command of all, the heel command. Teaching a dog to heel is the fundamental first step in teaching the dog to walk properly on the leash. The proper place for the dog to walk is at your side, neither lagging behind nor straining to get ahead.

If your dog begins to forge ahead on the lead, gently tug on the leash. This will cause the training collar to tighten and give the dog a gentle reminder to fall back into line. If the dog begins to lag behind, gently urge him forward. A lure or toy is a good tool for the dog that constantly lags behind.

Once the dog is consistently walking at your side, try changing your pace and encouraging the dog to match his pace with yours. It should always be the dog who adjusts his pace to you; you should never adjust your pace to meet the needs of the dog.

The word "No"

The word no is an important one for your dog to learn, and one you may be using a lot as training begins. It is important that the dog learn to respond to a sharp "No" promptly and obediently.

The "Sit" command

The sit command is another vital link in the chain that is dog training. Teaching a dog to sit on command, using voice commands alone, will form the groundwork of much future training, so it is important for the dog to master this vital skill.

The sit command can be combined with the heel command. As you walk alongside your dog, stop abruptly. If your dog does not stop when you do, give a sharp tug on the leash to remind the dog. Many dogs will instinctively stop when you do, while others need to be reminded through the use of the leash and the training collar.

Once the dog has stopped by your side, urge him to sit by pushing gently on his hindquarters. It is important not to use too much pressure, or to push him down abruptly. Doing so could frighten, or even injure the dog. Rather, apply a steady downward pressure. Most dogs will recognize this as a sit command. It is important to say the word sit as you do this.

Repeat this procedure a few times by walking, stopping and sitting your dog. After a few repetitions, the dog will probably begin to sit down on his own every time he stops. It is important to say the word sit each time, so that the dog will eventually learn to respond to voice commands alone.

The "Stay" command

Like the sit command, the stay command is a vital building block to other, more advanced training. For instance, the stay command is vital to teaching the dog to come when called, which is in turn vital to off leash work.

The stay command can be made into an extension of the sit command. Have your dog sit, and while he is sitting, slowly back away. If the dog begins to follow you, as he probably will it first, come back to the dog and ask him to sit again. Repeat the process until you can reach the end of the leash without your dog getting up from a sitting position.

After the dog is reliably staying where you indicate, you can try dropping the leash and backing further away. It will probably take the dog some time to reliably stay where he is put without becoming distracted.

The "Down" command

The down command is another important part of any basic obedience training program. Teaching a dog to lie down on command is much more than an entertaining trick. The down command is very important in regaining control of a dog, or stopping a dog who is engaged in an inappropriate behavior.

The "Off" command

The off command is just as vital to as the other commands, and it forms the basis for later training, especially when training the dog not to chase people, cars, bikes, cats, etc.

For instance, when training a dog to remain still when a bicycle goes by, the owner would stand with the dog calmly on the leash. If the dog begins to strain against the leash, the owner sharply issues an "Off" command accompanied by a tug of the leash. Eventually the dog will learn to respond to the voice command alone.

Edwina Hanson runs a successful dog and owner training company. She is the author of many articles and reports about all aspects of dog training. Click on Complete Dog Care Report]for a free 73 page report.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Service Dog Training: Training Your Dog To Perform Human Tasks

Service dog training is for dogs that are taught to perform human tasks. They are groomed to work for disabled people.

Service dogs, like hearing dogs and seeing-eye dogs are all trained to assist people with specific disabilities. Hearing dogs serve as ears for the deaf and seeing-eye dogs provide sight to the blind as they walk, but the job of service assistance dogs is more difficult and multi-faceted because it does more than providing hearing or sight.

Service assistance dogs are specially trained to perform tasks that will suit specific needs of the persons who need their help. Once trained, they will have the ability to act as seizure response or mobility assistance dogs. Depending on the quality of training that they receive, they can be highly dependable, because dogs are known for their dedication.

Service dog training can be done in two ways; the self-training and the program training.


The dog's owner is the person who conducts self-training. This method is harder, assuming that the owner is not a professional trainer. But it also has an advantage, as it strengthens the bonding between the dog and its owner.

Given proper training, lots of dogs can be good service dogs. This is the reason why many owners prefer their pet to be trained for this purpose, but still a lot would want to get dogs from established breeders who raise and train their dogs to become service providers.

In order to help you do the self-training, you can avail of online service dog training resources. This is a train-while-you-learn way which is filled with experimentation and trials and errors, especially during the very first time that you attempt to learn. But it will have its rewards when you succeed. Most pet owners won't choose this road, as this is time-consuming and uncertain as well.

Some pet owners prefer to send their pets to organizations that specialize in service dog training. Their techniques are effective but the dog is sent back to its owner after completing the program. This confines its skills only to what has been taught during the period. Service dog training is supposed to be continuous. This is where self-training plays a very important role.

Dogs that are acquired from breeders whose dogs are intended to become service assistants equip heir puppies with basic skills before these are distributed. The new owner will just have the puppy trained for more skills as it grows, like pushing light switches on or off, or opening doors.

Program Training

Dogs that are specially intended to become service assistants go through the program training. These dogs are trained for more than a year just to master the skills that they have been taught to provide to specific persons.

In the United States, program training is conducted by prison inmates who are utilized by the government in order to make them productive members of society. Both the dogs and the prisoners have been benefited by this program.

A service assistance dog is not easy to get. Patients needing them are required to go through an application process. Once qualified, an applicant will be put on a waiting list while a dog that can perform the services he needs is being trained.

Once a service dog is available, it will be made to bond with the patient, who is also oriented about the way commands are given. This usually takes time but it will be alright as soon as the two have adjusted with each other.

The service dog training has a big impact on society because it has found a way to serve the needs of disable persons at a cost much lesser than human assistants. Service dogs can also provide genuine friendship and real devotion.

Training a service dog is not an easy task, but it is not an impossible one. Stan Beck is offering to help with his free Dog Training Guide. You can also get dog training ideas by visiting his free dog training website.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Secrets of Professional Dog Trainers: Top 10 Tips to Successfully Training Your Dog Yourself

Dog obedience training is one of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself. Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem including soiling your house, destroying your belongings, barking excessively, digging holes in your yard, fighting other dogs and even biting you.

For most dog owners, dog obedience training is a daunting task. However, training your dog is about to get much easier, if you follow my advice below.

Here Are My Top 10 Tips for Training Your Dog

1. Dog training should be an enjoyable experience for you and your dog. If you are not in the right mood for training, don't even start.

2. Keep dog obedience training sessions short (5-10 minutes) to maintain your dog's motivation. Dogs will learn much more from regular short sessions than from longer, less frequent ones. Once the dog has learned several useful commands on the continuous reward schedule, the schedule should be changed to one of intermittent rewards.

3. Always end training on a positive note. Ask your dog to respond to a command you know he or she will obey. Then reward your dog for a job well done and issue a finish command such as "free" or "release." Avoid common words such as "okay." Following a training session, both owner and dog should be left with feelings of accomplishment.

4. Keep in mind that your dog's motivation to respond to a command decreases as the complexity of the task increases. If your dog doesn't respond appropriately to a command after several attempts, don't reward him or her. Resume training a few seconds later using a simpler command. Return to the more complex task later.

5. Remember, the odds of success hinge not only on the degree of sophistication of the task, but also your dog's motivation to respond. From a dog's perspective the question is, which is more rewarding: chasing the squirrel or returning to the owner? Understanding this aspect will increase your patience and chances for dog training success.

6. Training should not involve any negative or punishment-based components. There should be no yelling, no hitting, no chain jerking, no hanging, and absolutely no electric shock. Remember that the opposite of reward is not punishment; it is no reward. If you ignore unacceptable responses, your dog will not be rewarded for his or her failed response. Most dogs want to please their owners or, at the very least, to obtain highly valued resources (food, attention and toys).

7. Ensure that your dog's motivation for reward is highest during a training session. If food is the reward, train before a meal, not after. If praise, petting and other aspects of your attention are to be used as a reward, schedule the training session at a time when your dog hungers for your attention (for example, after you have returned home from work).

For complex tasks, such as the off leash down-stay, your dog will be more motivated to comply if he or she has received moderate exercise before the training session. Asking a dog that is bursting with energy to remain in a prolonged reclining position is asking for failure during the early stages of training.

8. Make sure the reward you offer in training is the most powerful one for your dog. Food-motivated dogs work well for food, but the treats used should be you dog's favorite food. If praise is used as a reward, deliver it in high singsong tones, which are most pleasing for the dog. Also, enthusiasm in your voice will be much appreciated. If petting is to be used as a reward, it should be in a way that the dog enjoys, such as stroking the dog's hair on the side of his or her face in the same direction that it grows, or scratching him or her on the chest.

9. After a correct response, reward your dog within ½ second of the command. This will ensure your dog makes the connection between the behavior and the reward.

10. Use short commands such as sit, down, leave it, quiet, out, and off. Say the word once. Do not repeat the command. Dogs will remember a command for about two minutes before the notion is lost. Shorter words are better than longer words and words that end in a hard consonant (C, K, T, X) are better than those that end in a vowel because you can "spit" them out.

A Bonus Dog Training Tip:

The "Holy Grail" of training is to have the dog reliably obeying commands off lead, even when other things are going on around him or her. This level of training can be achieved, but only after a lot of hard work and investment of time. It's something to strive toward.


As a columnist, Dog behavioral specialist, Dr. Nicholas Dodman has provided thousands of pet owners just like you with valuable insights in keeping their dogs obedient, healthy, and happy. Get your free daily dose of pet crazy stories and access to over 8000 veterinarian approved advice articles guaranteed to help you train your dogs and keep them living longer, stronger lives at:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Training Your Dog

Ever wonder why you should train your puppy/dog?

Training a puppy/dog should begin the moment you bring him/her home.
Training your dog is freedom. With training you will be able to take your dog to more places, knowing he/she will behave. Training is also bonding, it is you and your dog working together, so you can enjoy each other's company. Training a young puppy is easier than training an older dog because they are 'blank slates' with few, if any bad habits to undo.

Training also requires that you understand the animal nature of dogs, their love of rules, ritual, food, and reinforcement. Training is a moral responsibility involving stewardship for another species; it asks as much of us, the dog owner, as it does of the dog. Training dogs and educating humans, both require an understanding of the principles of learning, and a respect for the individual needs and talents of the student. Training your puppy/dog should be an enjoyable experience for both of you and should not involve any negative or punishment-based components.

Should I crate train my dog?

Crate training, at any age, can help break bad habits and solve many problems.

Crate Training is one of the fastest and most humane methods of housebreaking a puppy/dog. Dogs by nature are animals that like a clean "home" and will not use a crate as a bathroom under normal circumstances.
However, keeping a puppy/dog in a crate for hours and hours will not serve the purpose of housebreaking. Puppies need to go potty frequently and should not be forced to hold it for long periods of time. Older dogs can if necessary, hold it until you come home from work. Expecting your older dog to hold it for longer than nine or ten hour's borders on the line of cruelty.

Many dogs enjoy their crates, but there are some dogs, especially dogs that suffer from separation anxiety that should not be crated. Crating a dog that has separation anxiety only increases the stress the dog feels and by doing so can create the beginnings of some major behavior problems. Talk to your vet or animal trainer about techniques you can use to help relieve your dog's anxiety and stress before you start crate training.

. Crate training is most effective when it is not rushed. Crate training your dog is a crucial part of dog training and should be done with patience and care.

When you are at home with your puppy/dog keep him/her with you as much as possible. Keeping a leash on your puppy/dog while you are housebreaking and training it to have house manners is a good idea. The leash keeps the dog at your side so you can monitor housebreaking and correct unsatisfactory behavior.

Crates are beneficial in many ways; they give a puppy/dog a place to call their own. Dogs are creatures who enjoy a den like atmosphere. Toys and a few treats are nice and necessary additions to crate living. Leaving the door open at all times when you are home will give your dog a place to go if he/she is feeling stressful. Crates for puppies should be kept in a place where the puppy can see you and what you are doing. Do not use a crate as a prison or as a punishment for incorrect behavior. A crate should and must be a place the dog enjoys being in.

Choosing a trainer and obedience classes.

What should you look for in a trainer? A good trainer is one who is willing to help you know your dog, and will teach you how to observe your dog for important clues into his/her behavior and actions. A good trainer will not say one breed is better than another is or that the dog he/she has is the best. A good trainer is one who will teach you to become the "trainer" of your dog.

When it comes to obedience training a certain amount of obedience training will help with behaviors. For many pet owners, the behavior-oriented classes are the best way to learn how to understand and control your dog. You will need to modify your approach, or select atrainer to help you, with behavior versus obedience. It is important to pick out a class and a trainer that teaches methods that you are comfortable with.

Whenever you are training your dog and it does not obey your command, take a deep breath, count to ten and start over again. Do not and I repeat do not hit, beat or throw your dog because it did not obey your command. You would not mistreat a young child, treat your dog with the same respect. Dogs were not meant to understand English and long periods of training can lead to disinterest and boredom. Tomorrow is always another day

If all this sounds like too much work think about this, if you do not take the time to train your puppy/dog, it will gladly do it by itself. Dogs are very happy to do what dogs do and that is being a dog doing what nature intended them to be, undomesticated creatures.

I agree that dog obedience training will not solve all your dog's behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving most problems including soiling in your house, destroying your belongings, barking excessively, digging holes in your yard, fighting other dogs and even biting you.

Children and dogs

Children and puppies go together like ice cream and cake, but just not as smoothly. Children need to be taught proper puppy/dog behavior as well as the puppy/dog needs to be taught. A toddler is not a good candidate for a puppy since neither the puppy nor the toddler has a good command of the English language.

Children need to be old enough to understand that playing with the puppy is play training for the dog. Children need to know that screaming, yelling, running, jumping, wrestling, teasing or taunting will raise a puppy's excitement level and the puppy will not be able to control itself. When these behaviors are in place a puppy will bite, tear shirts, jump, and become uncontrollable through no fault of its own.

It is hard for children to understand that if the puppy as a baby jumps on them it is fun, but they soon find out, as the puppy becomes a young dog that a playful jump can hurt. The dog however, has learned that all these "bad" behaviors it did as a puppy were fun and now wants to do them all the time.
Enrolling in a puppy behavior class will help remedy some of these behaviors, but many will require a lot of additional training. That is why right from the day you bring your puppy/dog home, you need to begin the proper behavior training. Dogs are like children you can spoil them a bit, play with them, love them, but you need to teach them the rules for proper behavior. You would not let your child run wild, do not let your dog.

It is said that training puppies/ dogs is easy, but training dog owners is very hard. Start learning about dog behavior and training before you bring your very first dog home. Research the breed you favor. Learn its characteristics and develop a plan to follow when you bring the little critter home.

Training your puppy/dog is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and your dog. A dog that has rules to obey is a happy dog. Dogs need to have jobs to do, they need to have a leader and the best leader they can have is you. If this article has been of benefit, please visit my web site and blog at

Monday, December 27, 2010

Why Reward Train Your Dog or Puppy?

All puppies and dogs need some form of training. What’s so good about Reward Training and why would we choose to Reward Train our dog or puppy?

Reward Training uses the principles of Operant Conditioning, specifically Positive Reinforcement. Positive Reinforcement is where we give a reward to increase or maintain behavior.

Any voluntary behavior which has been increased or maintained has, at some point, been reinforced. Without reinforcement, that voluntary behavior will eventually stop happening. That’s fine if it’s a behavior you don’t want, but if it’s a behavior you do want then Reward Training is important to reinforce any good behavior you want to see more of.

Reward Training is also fun for both dog and owner, resulting in a deeply bonded relationship based on trust and respect. If you want a dog who behaves out of fear, then Reward Training won’t work very well for you. There is a difference between respect and fear.

Reward Training puts you in charge of the good things in life, and gives you opportunities to hand them out frequently. Dogs learn that they can’t just take what they want, they need to work as a team with you. Owners learn pretty much the same thing, but from a position of leadership.

The most common form of Reward Training these days is known as Clicker Training. Clicker Training is a training method that uses a sound to ‘mark’ good behavior, then a reward is given. The sound says to the dog “Yes! What you did right then is what I want you to repeat! Here is your reward.” If you are interested in Reward Training, then finding a clicker training class is probably the easiest way to learn. There are also many good books on Clicker Training and Reward Training for dogs and puppies.

For more information on Reward Training and Clicker Training, visit the Positive Petzine website.

Aidan Bindoff is Editor of Positive Petzine and has written dozens of articles on dog training, animal behavior, learning theory and Reward Training in a plain English style aimed at those new to dog training.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chihuahua Training – Tame Your Tiny Beast

chihuaha trainingChihuahua training can be one of the most rewarding things you do with your new (or old) pet.  Not merely will you wind up with a better pet, you’ll create a strong bond with your dog as you go through the training.  It’s very important that you start training your dog as fast as possible because each day you wait is another day you have got to put up with aggression, biting, barking, chewing, jumping, and bathroom “accidents”.

Chihuahua training can present some unique challenges that you do not get with other dogs. This does not imply that they are bad dogs or you shouldn’t own one, you just need to realize their nature so as to better train one.  These small dogs are fragile.  They are not suited to be around kids as youngsters tend to be a touch rough on pets and this can hurt or kill a Chihuahua.  Even straightforward stuff like leaping out of your arms or off the couch can seriously injure this small dog.

Chihuahuas are also one of the toughest dogs to house train.  While some dogs will easily take to going outside to go to the bathroom, these little dogs appear to have a difficult time grasping the postulate that they should not poop on the floor.

Another probably troublesome feature for Chihuahua training is stubbornness.  These dogs are really smart and have a mind of their own.  They can also be manipulative so you have to take a strong hand and be consistent with training.  If you give them an inch, they will take a mile.  They are also susceptible to non-stop barking and haphazard behavior.  While their little bark is cute at first, it can truly begin to wear on your nerves.

Now that you are mindful of a bunch of potential difficulties, it is time to speak about the solution.  You actually need to have structured training.  The best course of action is to get a program like the techniques to Dog Training and do your Chihuahua training at home.  This enables you to work on your own timetable and saves a bunch of money over formal dog training classes.  If this fails, move on to formal dog training classes or maybe doggie boot camp.

All it takes is some love and dedication and you may have a great tiny pet.  Good luck with your Chihuahua training.

Dog Training Secrets – It is possible to discover them on the internet too. Click here to know more about Dog Nipping

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Free Dog Training Tips - Train Your Dog

If your goal for Dog Training is to train your dog to do tricks or get rid of aggressive dog behavior, potty train, keep his barking from irritating your neighbors, get him to not jump all over your visitors, general dog care, or to just be able to trust him with your other pets, then Free Dog Training Tips is a great place to start.

I have heard people claim that they were at their wits end and about ready to get rid of their dog. "My dog just doesn't get it!" or "Nobody can train my dog, he's too stupid." We think of sending the animal away to a professional dog trainer and hope that would solve our problems. The truth is that usually dog training requires training the owner as much as the dog itself. Even when the dog is trained by a professional it is often just a temporary fix. Eventually the dog returns to old habits. When a dog owner finally understands a few basic things, their dog seems to get smarter. To train your dog effectively is mostly a matter of understanding your dog better, and communicating with "Doggy Language."

Just like people, dogs are very social animals that crave love and security. Because of this, we find behavioral patterns that account for both their playfulness and trainability. Dogs demonstrate loyalty and devotion through their 'natural instincts as pack animals', which mimics the human concept of love and friendship. This is the main reason why so many of us, see our dog as one of our family, and believe it or not, dogs see us as one of their pack!

Throughout human history dogs have lived and worked with humans, one to the benefit of the other, and this type of inter species relationship has earned our dogs the title of, "Man's Best Friend."

Do to the natural instincts of the wild animal nature of our dog; it is important that behavior is modified to live with us in our family. Dogs must be pleasant to have around and we must feel that our children, friends, and other animals, are safe around our dog. Dogs do not figure out basic obedience by themselves, so dog training is a must.

That said dog training can be a difficult task. Many dog owners try to obedience train but fail and give up to soon. To train your dog effectively you must mix about five pounds of patience with ten pounds of love.

A very common mistake that many dog owners make is telling a dog to "Come" and then try to discipline him. The dog quickly learns that the word 'come' means, "You're in trouble and now you're going to be punished." Then the next time you want your dog inside, you go to the door and yell, "Come" and the dog runs away. You chase him down thinking "Stupid dog", then grab him and give him a stern, unhappy look and say, "How come you never come when I call you?" What our dog has learned is that the word "Come" means that you're angry. What we need our dog to understand is that 'Come' ALWAYS means good stuff, so get to me as quickly as possible. No exceptions; 'Come' means good, always.

And if you must discipline your dog, be sure to do it while your dog is in the act of misbehaving, such as digging holes. You must correct him while he is in the act, because he won't associate what he did a minute ago. If you must discipline, tell him to sit and then give him his stern scolding. Remember that correction should NEVER include harmful physical punishment, like a rolled up newspaper. This may make the dog stop the bad behavior in the short term, but in the long run it will make him fear you, instead doing what you want just to make you happy.

The last of the Free Dog Training Tips that I can give you for now, is to give lots of love and praise when training your dog. Most experts agree that this is the quickest way to train your dog to do anything. Your dog loves to please you, and when you give him that praise your dog will be the happiest animal on the planet, and will love you till their dying day. I encourage you to train your dog basic commands, and you can learn how to teach your dog or puppy to Sit, Stay and Come for free by visiting my web site!

Did you find Free Dog Training Tips helpful? Want to watch adorable short video's of Dog's and Puppies? Look on our menu under Dog Breeds. Want more Free Dog Training Tips? Visit The Dogs Park and you will find practical information on dogs; from Problem Dog Behavior to the latest information on Dog Training Videos

With new and fresh dog related information being added all the time; you are sure to find what you need to be successful in all your dog training efforts. Want even more? Join our informational newsletter and get a Free e-Book! Visit us at now at

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Dog Training - Instructions to Train Your Dog

Each dog holder at one time or another will quickly understand the require to use some sort of manners change techniques when training their prized dog. In your seek for FREE DOG TRAINING List, you will uncover that there are countless different training techniques that are out there at present. But you might inquire which is the finest free training tip that will help out me to instruct my dog.

An additional free training tip is to recognize that the nearly all chief thing is to have constructive training techniques when you begin teaching your dog. Optimistic training means to never be occupied in beating, spanking, scolding, or punishing your dog in any way at all. It is very essential that you recognize that dogs do not do fine with any shape of harmful training and that is a incredibly significant free training tip to take into thought. Right off, you require to find in the habit of satisfying your dog every time that he does something he is supposed to do during dog training. This can be at the time it sits, stays, eliminates where he be supposed to, fetches, etc. This is a very vital free dog training tip to get into thought.

Sadly, there are a few instances when you do have to warning your dog. One of the largest things that often confuses people with regards to dog training is at what time to prize your dog and when to warning him. You need to resolve when to warning him or prize your dog throughout dog training. Bear in mind to be tolerant because your dog is learning and trying his finest to gratify you, which is a different free dog training tip.

One more extremely main free training tip is to make certain each person in your house acts every time whenever you are teaching your pet. It is extremely critical that you be certain that each person in the house knows what you are responsibility throughout the dog training, and how to supply helpful actions when required.

One of the stuff that you might require to catch into consideration when you are trying to guide your dog is how does he perform when he is nearly you? Is your dog simply distracted when there are other dogs around? You will require to instruct your dog to center on you and what you are trying to instruct him. As well how does your pet respond when there are additional people around? Does he permit another person to handle him? Once more is he simply distracted around other people? An additional free dog guidance tip is to begin the dog training at calm places that are recognizable to your dog. Be certain that there are very few stuff and people around that would sidetrack him. Then once you sense that your dog has learned to center on what you are trying to instruct him, then you can slowly move the guidance to places with further and further distractions so he will be trained to act upon your orders despite those distractions.

Another free dog training tip is to use a strap when guidance your dog. Anytime you have problem getting your dog to pay concentration while learning the fundamentals of dog training (sit, stay, fetch, come, etc.) you will quickly find that training him to do this while on a leash is often cooperative. If you do apply a leash to instruct your dog, then the primary thing you be supposed to do would be to teach him how to walk on a leash.

Learning how to control your animal using dog leash training is an important respect lesson for both of you, and should be used regularly to achieve the highest results. Soon your will learn the importance of training your dog and learn how to utilize any free Dog Training tip that you learn.

Professional Dog Trainer. For more Dog Training and Puppy Training

Friday, December 24, 2010

Dog Training Problems - How to Eliminate Them and Get Good Results Training Your Dog

There are probably as many dog training problems as there are dogs and trainers. That is because most of us don't have a clue about the right way to teach our dogs. Avoiding dog training problems means using the correct dog training methods right from the start when training your dog. Almost all of us make the same mistakes when training our dogs, and end up with various problems getting the results we expect with our training efforts. These problems then show up when our dogs don't listen to us-or only listen when they feel like it. 

These training mistakes occur primarily because people try to communicate and train their dogs as if the dogs were human, instead of canines. We also tend to spoil our pets. Just like children, dogs need guidance to learn their place in the family and how to behave appropriately. If you haven't learned how to properly go about training your dog, it is only natural that you will have a variety of dog training problems.

Dogs have their own world view and communicate in their own type of way. Dogs use vocalizations as well as distinct body languages in order to express themselves to other dogs. By following a good dog training program that teaches you about dog psychology and about how dog's communicate with each other, you will be able to avoid the pitfalls of training a dog without the right methods, and resolve many dog training problems before they even start. That is the best way to go about training your dog.

If you have already made mistakes while attempting to train your dog, or have adopted another dog that has its share of behavior issues, you can still solve those dog training problems by learning the right way to retrain your dog.There are several good dog training programs on-line that teach you step by step the correct ways to train your dog. Every good program that I have reviewed always features positive training techniques. These methods all rely on positive reinforcement -praise and rewards from the trainer (you) when the dog correctly performs the command it is being taught.

The best training programs always emphasize the need for the trainer to be in charge of the dog, to become the "Alpha dog". You will be taught how to use your vocal tones and confident body language to present  the right image to the dog being trained.. You must learn how to become the "Alpha dog" in order to earn your dog's respect, confidence and trust. Once you have learned how to communicate to your dog the right way, and become the Alpha dog, you will find your dog is very eager to follow your lead and to do as you command. Becoming the Alpha leader doesn't mean you have to intimidate or yell or be mean to your pet. Being the Alpha dog is mostly about having and projecting the right attitude to your dog.  It is your dog's nature to want to please its alpha leader. If you can establish your self as the leader, you will have no trouble avoiding dog training problems.

You can easily see the dog training problems that are the result of incorrect training or from neglected training. Such problems as a dog's aggression towards other dogs or people, jumping up on people, barking excessively, running away, not coming when called, and many other common dog misbehavior's can be corrected. By making  a consistent effort. and using the right techniques you can correct these problems. For good training results, frequent short sessions done on a daily basis are necessary -especially when trying to correct a pre-existing dog behavior problem. These problems did not just occur overnight, so it will take some time and effort on your behalf to train them to behave as you want.

The good news is you can solve these dog training problems as soon as you know how, and are willing to make the commitment it takes to retrain your dog. Of course if you are training a new puppy you have a great opportunity to avoid problems in the first place. Either way, it is imperative for your successful training that you do use a great training program. You will avoid dog training problems and have a dog that learns much more quickly and consistently to do as he is asked, and always behave himself. This is the kind of pet that will be a joy to have.

To read my full review of the best of the on-line dog training programs to learn how it can help you get great results training your own dog at home, please click here - Secrets to Dog Training Review.

For more articles about solving dog behavior problems and tips for obedience training your dog, please check out If you want to read some more helpful dog obedience training articles, please check out

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Train Your Dog - Benefits and Tips For Successful Dog Training

Watching your children's eyes light up when you bring a new puppy home is truly a heart warming experience. Your dog comes with unconditional love and warm genuine friendship. If you've owned a dog before you already know that along with all the delights of a new doggy - it can also come with frustration, unconditional messes, and genuine destruction. Not to worry, with a little obedience training you can head off unwanted dog behavior.

5 Great Benefits of Dog Training

It builds a solid relationship with you and your dog and establishes you as the pack leader. The time you spend together as a team working together, learning about each other, deepens your bond.
A well trained dog is a welcome dog that can be taken almost anywhere, and is a joy to be around when camping, hiking, or even just going for a walk, because he is not high risk or a nuisance to others.
Dog training corrects undesirable dog behavior. Chewing up your furniture, digging up your flowers, barking at everyone who passes by your yard and even bolting out the door can be resolved with a little focus on obedience training.
When you train your dog it stimulates your dog's intellect and allows him to use his brain; dogs are curious by nature and want learn about both the world and the people around him. Dogs have a deep desire to please us, its instinctive, so when they can understand what we want of them and they respond to our commands; they feel vital and needed - a strong member in the pack.
It saves you time and money! Taking the time to train your dog to behave properly in your home saves time cleaning up messes and saves you money by not having to replace torn up pillows, shoes or other valuable possessions.

Obviously, there are many great benefits to a well trained dog, to many to really list, but among my favorites is the companionship, having a dog that can protect my family when I'm not around. It was best said by an unknown author: "He is your friend, your partner, your defender. You are his life, his love and his leader."

The very best dog training method is the use of Positive Reinforcement to train your dog. This is simply rewarding good behavior that you want to see repeated, and ignoring bad dog behavior. This is a direct contrast to a now outdated method of obedience training which by today's standards was cruel and inhumane, (like using shock collars, hitting your dog with rolled up newspapers, or even rubbing your dogs nose in pooh.) Your dog instinctively wants to please you and when you use positive reinforcement to train your dog you will find that your dog learns quicker and the lessons are remembered throughout your dog's life. This is the best path to a well trained dog.


5 great tips to facilitate your dog training efforts

Be sure to use meaningful rewards. Most dogs get bored quickly and don't respond as well with just a pat on his head or a good boy. To keep your training at the highest standards use tempting incentives for good dog behavior.
Mix up the rewards, don't always give the same treat while training your dog. All dogs have different favorite treats; I've trained dogs that would practically rob a bank for a liver treat. Try to find two or three special treats that you can use just when you train your dog.
Use the right timing when you reward your dog for obeying a command. Your goal is to mark the desired dog behavior with a treat timed so that your dog understands what behavior earned the treat. Some dog trainers recommend a clicker while training to mark the exact moment your dog does what you desire, then immediately give the reward. This works well but so does a high pitched "whoop," or any other sound that the dog can identify as the reward sound.
Be clear and consistent with your commands. Decide your verbal clues before you start your training and stick with them. Be sure that everyone in the family uses the same commands and your dog's rate of obedience training will be much higher and you'll see quicker change in dog behavior.
Take the time to learn proper dog training techniques - it really helps to get it right the first time out. If you're new to obedience training or an experienced trainer; it pays big dividends to read trusted sources to learn more about the benefits of training your dog.

You are the best person to train your dog! It can be simple to teach a dog to do almost anything. Beyond understanding basic dog behavior and obedience training, I've trained dogs to close the door, dance, speak, play bang you're dead, catch Frisbees, and other cute and impressive tricks. For more information the basics, or learn about the hottest trend - Dog Training Videos: join us at The Dogs Park. With new and fresh dog related information being added all the time you are sure to be successful in all of your dog training efforts.

Watch an amazing short video about The German Shepherd. You can find this and other videos on our menu under dog breeds.
Want even more? Join our informational newsletter and we will send you a Free e-book! Visit us now at The Dogs Park.

Want more Free Dog Training Tips? Visit The Dogs Park and you will find practical information on dogs; from Problem Dog Behavior to the latest information on Dog Training Videos

?2009 The Dogs Park - Train Your Dog - Benefits and Tips For Successful Dog Training

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dog Obedience Training - Training Your Dog To Heel Off The Leash

A well behaved dog is a source of pride and comfort not only to you but also for your favorite puppy. A healthy dog is a well trained dog and your dog looks to you to show him how to behave in all situations. Dog obedience training and in particular training your dog to heel off the leash is discussed below and this article offers tips for you to implement in your dog training.

Training your dog to heel off the leash ensures that when you take off the leash, your dog does not run off leaving you in the dust chasing after your dog yelling for him to come back. It trains your dog to remain at your side even when you remove the leash. Other people do not want to be accosted by your dog when you remove the leash. This is one of the important areas that dog obedience training in needed since dogs need and thrive on exercise and taking the dog for invigorating walks is crucial for your puppy's overall health and growth.

The first steps in dog obedience training when you are training your dog to heel off the leash is to take your puppy off the leash. The next step is to walk in a straight line. If you angle towards your dog, this will only cause him to heel wide.

The next step in this dog training is to walk at a brisk pace and not at the pace being maintained by your dog. Remember as you are walking briskly not to wave your hands about. Ensure that you keep and maintain your left hand very close to your body during this dog training.

When giving a command to your dog, use a jovial voice and tone to convey to the dog that you are in a great mood. A bad mood is not conducive to effective dog training and your dog will be able to feel your tension and stress and react to that and not your commands. If you are in a bad mood, postpone any dog training for another day.

Call your puppy's name or use a commanding tone when the dog wonders or if he does not maintain the same walking pace as you. After you give a second command, pat your side gently and offer praise to your dog. When training a dog, it is important to praise often so that your dog knows the behaviors that he needs to display in order to get praise and/or a treat. Dogs thrive with praise.

Especially during the beginning phases of this dog training, your dog will dart off and you need to remember not to chase after him but to stand still when he does this. Use your left hand to signal back and then repeat the heel command with force and then follow by coaxingly patting your side.

With this dog training, it is important that the leash is folded twice and placed in your right hand. If your puppy is inattentive, loudly call his name, reach out and playfully spank him (light spank!) on his hindquarters using the end of the leash. Follow this by coaxing your dog to return to your side by patting your side gently.

In the beginning phase, you may fail to train your dog to maintain a heel position by your side. In these cases, put the leash back on and give the leash one jerk to keep your puppy close to you. Changing your voice, followed by praise or a treat and the occasional use of the leash, will ensure that your dog starts to adopt appropriate behavior and remain at your side at all times.

Dogs are pack animals and respect the hierarchy in any social setting so it is your job to convey to your dog that you are the leader and he must obey you. This is conveyed effectively through dog obedience training. Much as you would train your children how to behave and what you expect of them to be considered a good parent, you need to do the same for your dog to be considered a good dog owner. Just as boundaries and limits need to be set for children, they need to be set for your dog as well.

Please visit my website on dog obedience training which offers a great resource on overcoming behavioral problems exhibited by dogs such as barking, separation anxiety, grass eating, aggression and so forth in addition to leash training. All the common problems in behavior are dealt with in detail as well as obedience commands and tricks at

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What Causes 75% of ALL Dog Behavior Problems?

When asked what is the biggest cause of dog behavior problems, most people would guess at lack of training, a ‘dominance’ problem, or inadequate socialisation. Some might even try to blame the dog’s genetics or temperament. Whilst any of these might cause dog behavior problems, a great many dog behavior problems are caused in whole or in part by this one thing – not enough Exercise!

So what are your dog’s exercise requirements?

That depends on age, breed and individual. Puppies shouldn’t be exercised for more than 20 minutes at a time, but they can be exercised gently quite frequently. Most puppies like to play, which tires them out with or without your help. Be careful not to over-walk puppies, their bones need to mature before they can be walked for long periods. Speak to your vet, but 20 minutes of walking at a time is about right.

Different breeds have different exercise requirements. Working and herding breeds typically have very high exercise requirements. Take the German Shepherd as an example, German Shepherd Dogs are descended from herding dogs who were required to form a “living fence” for their master’s flock. This was a 24 hour a day job, which included protection from predators and thieves at night.

Some breeds, whilst they may appear to have high exercise requirements, may not. A Greyhound actually has a fairly low exercise requirement, although they do love to exercise intensely for short bursts.

Other breeds were used in hunting. Breeds such as Beagles and Retrievers would work very hard, but not every day. They tend to be fairly flexible with exercise, so long as they are kept in shape and given regular outlets for their energies.

Individuals within any breed will have greater or lesser requirements for exercise than others of that breed. Sometimes the differences can be fairly extreme, although I have never known a Border Collie that didn’t require a lot of exercise! Well, until they got old at least. Older dogs generally require much less exercise.

Nearly every adult dog requires at least 30 minutes walking each day. If you cannot physically provide this for your dog then alternative means for exercise should be arranged. Playing fetch, frisbee or swimming are excellent alternatives. Some dog clubs provide agility classes, which are a great way to train and to exercise your dog – regardless of breed or age.

Some individual dogs have a very high exercise requirement. Typically, trainers or obedience clubs will be presented with a dog who escapes the yard, barks all day, digs in the garden, pulls on the leash, jumps all over people or doesn’t come when called. Usually in some sort of combination!

These dogs almost certainly require more exercise than they are getting.

In addition to exercise, training is essential. What’s more, 5 minutes training is worth about 15 minutes exercise. “Brain work” will tire a dog out fairly quickly. Combine training with exercise and you have a winning combination. Sports such as Agility, Tracking, Schutzhund or Flyball are all excellent outlets for your dog’s boundless energy.

Can you over-exercise a dog? Yes. You can exercise a dog to exhaustion. If you are extremely fit, or your dog is extremely unfit, you can cause injuries, heat-stress and even cause internal organ damage by over-working your dog. If your dog is unfit, consult with your vet before starting a new exercise program with your dog. Start off gently and increase the amount of exercise each week, give your dog time to adjust. In hot weather, scale back and provide plenty of water and rest opportunities.

Please also be aware of any physical limitations your dog may have. Diseases such as Hip Dysplaysia can be hard to detect in the early stages. Some dogs are remarkably adept at hiding injuries if they think the fun will stop. If you suspect your dog has an injury, please end all exercise and immediately seek veterinary help. Early treatment can save weeks of needless pain and hundreds of dollars of vet care.

Aidan Bindoff is Editor of, your helpful online resource for positive dog training and behavior information.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

German Shepherd Dog Training Strategies

German shepherd dog training is enjoyable because German Shepherds are intelligent dogs that may be taught behaviors easily.  They respond well to any kind of dog obedience training whether you use clicker training to teach commands, or other reward techniques that might be more suitable to the time and effort you would like to put in.  So whether you want your German shepherd dog training to be about agility, easy commands, or training him to protect your home, here are some tips that can aid you in making that happen simply. 

Clicker Training

Clicker training is a technique of training a dog that encourages the dog to link the sound of a clicker with his reward since it is faster than manufacturing a feeding a reward. 

It’s a great method for German shepherd dog training as the breed is so fast to pick up new behavior.  The way in which it works is that when you teach a new behavior or agility trick, you use a clicker as an audible approval sound that is followed right away by a reward of some kind (a treat or a favorite toy).  The reasoning is that the clicker gives the instant approval to bridge the time between the behavior and the production of the food or toy. 

Straightforward Reward Training

German Shepherd TrainingIf you don’t have a clicker for your German shepherd dog training or just think the idea is silly, you can use a more standard approach.  Try giving your Shepherd a command and moving his body for him in an appropriate way.  After he has found the positions or behavior, reward him with praise and a treat right away.  Don’t delay, because with smart breeds like German Shepherds, they may begin to associate a second behavior with the reward instead of your intended new trick. 

German shepherd dog training isn’t tough, but a little understanding of the way to train a dog is useful.  Your Shepherd should be able to learn numerous commands in a matter of a couple of days if you use the methods above regularly and are persistent in your pursuit of a well trained and ecstatic German shepherd.

If you desire a well behaved and adorable puppy, then you should understand the tricks from here training a pug. For your pet dogs, how to train a german shepherd.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Smart Way of Training Your Dog At Home

Why would you want to train your dog at home? Well, some dog owners find themselves so busy with work, their kids, the every day to day things they have to do, that they never find the time to take their dogs to a training school or to take training classes. Not only taking your dog to obedience school takes time, but it also costs money. You have to pay for the classes and for the gas of your vehicle. If you want to take your dog to obedience school that is great, but if you decide to train your dog at home, read below.

Are you well aware that prior to you enroll your dog in a dog training obedience classes it is essential that you first of all train your dog at the comforts of your own household? Yes, you might not be informed of how significant dog training in your home is, just it's extremely critical because it will function as the basis of their training. There are in reality three types of house training categories and those include basic house training where you instruct your pet of how to properly make use of the toilet area. Next is the submissive wetting, where urination happens when the dog is too excited. The last type is marking which should be done upon reaching puberty. There are those male dogs that will mark their territory.

House training your dog should only be done for two weeks as they're solely destined to establish a routine. But for those dogs that had already developed bad attitude, retraining can last for a longer period of time, you would be looking for about 6 weeks training. To train a dog, you must learn to be committed on the project and consistent enough in the command you're giving them. You have to become prepared enough once the training begins and that include determining the area where the training will take place. As soon as you get the pup, visit a veterinarian right ahead for a complete check-up in order to make sure that your puppy is well fit and he is not suffering from any known medical complication which could hind the success of dog training in your home. Problems as intestinal parasites, abdominal problems, and urinary tract infections can make house training harder or even not possible the least bit.

Dog training in your home should start out with toilet training. Choose an empty piece of land around your house or a specific corner of the backyard. You are required to have a specified area where the dog will be trained to avoid confusion. You would want to schedule the training to and whenever you can't adhere to the schedule and so you must not expect the dog to stick to any of your command. Try to feed him food which wouldn't disturb their GI tract. Ward off free feed as much as possible until the training is completed. To establish discipline in his behavior, schedule the bed time and wakening time.

Take into consideration that young puppies will require frequent nap times, make certain that your schedule can accommodate their need. And if during training in your home, the dog starts to make errors, determinedly but gently say "No" and take the dog straight to his toilet area. Don't scream in horror at the dog nor even go after him. Always keep in mind that your attitude is among the most meaningful elements in house training your dog. Be patient, your dog doesn't know what is wrong so it's you that must dictate what should and what should not be done.

If your pet makes an error tell him "no" but do not punish your dog. Remember positive reinforcement works a lot more effectively when training your dog, than the old dog training school of using negative reinforcement. Punishing your dog or hitting your dog is part of negative reinforcement training and should be avoided at all times. Giving your dog a treat or talking sweet and kindly to your dog is part of positive reinforcement and it's the type of training you should use with your dog.

Increase the happy years of your dog by checking out my free e-book. In it I reveal all the secrets I've used to develop a happy, healthier dog. Visit Dr. Alfonso's dog training blog [] right now...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Does Your Dog Bark at the Door?

Does your dog bark when you have a knock at the door? Follow this simple plan to end excessive barking at the door.

Many dogs will bark when they hear a knock at the door. This is probably to announce the arrival of a new person to their territory. They learn pretty quickly that a knock on the door is quickly followed by a visitor.

But what if a knock at the door was only occasionally followed by a visitor?

Some dog owners have quick success at reducing barking by simply knocking on the door repeatedly throughout the day. With no visitor appearing at the door, the knock sound soon stops being associated with the visitor. At first, the barking will probably get worse. After a few repetitions, it should start to reduce. Don’t lose heart if it doesn’t appear to work for a little while.

When your dog gets really good at not barking when he hears a knock on the door, invite someone around to help out. Just have them knock on the door every minute and not come in unless your dog hasn’t barked. Do this for about 5 or 6 repetitions, no need to overdo it.

You can speed things up by rewarding your dog for being quiet when he hears a knock at the door. A further refinement is to make the knock a cue to lay down on a mat, or to sit quietly by the front door. This is a very polite greeting indeed!

If you have a doorbell, the same procedure applies. If your doorbell has different ring tones, try to set it to use only one ring tone.

This is certainly not the only approach to ending barking at the door, but for the majority of dogs it is the easiest and most effective approach. Try it and see!

Aidan Bindoff is Editor of, a free resource for people training their own dog. Each edition is packed with helpful tips for training your dog using the latest pet-friendly methods that work fast and don’t require a degree in animal behavior to use. PLUS, check out the huge archive of useful articles on just about every dog training topic you can think of!

As Featured On Best Ezines

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Border Collie Training – Breed Particular Methodologies For Faster And Simpler Training

The Border collie is a sort of herding dogs thought of as the most intelligent dog breed.  They have come from the border of Britain and Scotland, and that explains their name.  They are highly active and often tend to get neurotic or destructive if not given enough to do. 

You’ll need to give your “Border collie” a solid education in obedience and leadership before you bring him home.  Essential Border collie training is teaching him the guidelines of his new human world.  Being active and curious they will go meddling all over the place.  They also are famous for escaping due to boredom.  This extremely athletic and flexible dog can jump a high fence. 

Your dog must be house-trained as early as is possible and you can start training your Border collie with crate training as most breeders and trainers would recommend.  A crate is your most valuable tool for house-training your little dog, and his favorite place to feel safe.  Accustom the little puppy to the crate on his first day in your home.  Dogs don’t usually filthy their crates, so it’ll help you potty-train your dog from the first day. 

Socializing your dog is crucial if you need him to adjust in your house and be a good companion.  Hold him and pet him but give him enough time to rest and sleep too. 

Limit-setting is important in Border collie training as well as ensuring your puppy sticks to them.  You will have to be watchful not to let bad habits like gnawing the table legs develop.  The rule of the thumb is to correct your dog mid-action. 

Catch him doing wrong and correct the behavior right now. 

Always call him by name when you give the commands.  Each time your baby dog awakens from a snooze, take him outside at once.  You must be extremely vigilant; always keep a watch on him and the instant he gives the signal, take him out.  Do not forget to pat him and praise him for his good behavior.  However, if he dirties the place by accident, just show your disapproval and forget the incident.  Rather than reprimand him; wait for him to do it right and then shower praise on him.  Positive beefing up always works better.  He will be able to learn that it is better to go outside and do his job than to do it on the kitchen floor and get berated.  Catch him in mid-piddle and he’ll get your message.

Author likes to write much more about Shih Tzu Training. Should you want to know a lot more about dog training, please visit: Pug training

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Training Your Dog at Home - Save Thousands of Dollars on Dog Training

An essential part of being a responsible dog owner is that you train your dog as early as possible, preferably when you have first brought home your new pet. With an excellent course, training your dog should be simple, particularly if it has a step-by-step format that's easy to follow. Training your dog requires lots of time and devotion to your dog and this sometimes puts people off and may mean that they don't train their dogs at all. By training your dog when it's still early you can save you and the rest of the family a bunch of hassles and frustrations later on when your dog is all grown up.

It is strongly advisable that you properly prepare your self and have an idea of what's to be expected when training your dog. Many types of dogs have different needs so it would be helpful to perform a little research about your dogs breed before you commence training. After thorough research and you feel that you're ready, then you can begin training your d.

Dog training is split into two categories; behavior training and obedience training.

Behavior training is when you are stopping or fixing unwanted tendencies in your dog like nipping, biting, chewing, whining, excessive barking, jumping, chasing cars, climbing on furniture, digging holes, etc.

Obedience training is when you are training your dog to perform specific actions and commands. The objective is to get your dog to obey the commands and do them when requested every time. These instructions include the simple sit, come, heel, down, and many more.

The first golden rule when training your dog is to teach your dog its name. Use it on a regular basis, call your dog by its name every time you play with it. Once your dog is aware of its name and comes when called then you are ready to make the leap and begin obedience training. The very next big thing on your priority checklist should be to toilet train and house train your dog. Do you really wish to have to put up with your dog eliminating everywhere in the house for more than you really have to? Of course not, so it is necessary that you deal with this as quickly as you can. Over the course of the training process accidents are inevitable, particularly if you've got a puppy, puppies cannot hold it in that long yet however they'll be able to hold it in longer as they get older. It is your responsibility as a dog owner to simply clean up the mess till your dog has been toilet trained.

Short training sessions that are around fifteen - twenty minutes have been proven to be the most effective. Lengthy training sessions that go for hours will often make dogs frustrated and lose focus. Try to train your dog about two - three times every day. Remember to revise over previous and learned training once in a while so your dog does not forget. Do not get angry when training your dog if your dog doesn't get things right right away, it'll take practice and you must NEVER punish your dog, this will only have negative consequences for future training and may trigger behavioral problems. Reward your dog with praise or treats when it does the correct thing as this will encourage your dog to want to please you again next time you want your dog to do something.

With behavior and obedience training, you will build a strong bond together with your dog and be a proud owner of a cheerful and fit dog that you'd be proud to take on walks to the park and spend time bonding with. Training your dog is the most fantastic thing you are able to do for your beloved dog as it's the foundation to the start of an incredible life for your canine companion.

Chris L. Brown is a enthusiastic dog lover that enjoys helping other people train their dogs to be obedient.

To learn more about training your dog, or solving any dog behavioral problems you can check out his website at

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How You Can Effectively Train Your Dog? Patience Is The Key

Whether you are an amateur and have bought a puppy recently or have an unmanageable dog at home, don’t feel that his training can wait till you find a professional dog trainer, or that you are to inexperienced to train him. Your dog needs training and so do you. Training develops a sense of mutual respect between you and your new pet. You are always training your dog - whether intentionally or not, your dog is always learning from you.

Often there are several benefits if a dog is trained by his owner.

1) Bonding – A training phase means more communication with your dog. This means more understanding and mutual respect. When you start training your dog, start by doing very little correction at this stage. Instead of putting him in restrictions (like keeping your dog tied to a chain), use toys or food to motivate.

Remember you are training your dog to obey you. Too much restriction will result in making him adamant. Your dog should understand exactly what you want him to do and that takes time. So be patient when your dog disobeys at the initial stage. It might be simply because of 2 reasons.

a) Your dog does not understand you. Be patient in this case and repeat your instruction with body language.

b) The second is more typical, your dog does not find a reason to do what you say. Use a variety of methods of motivation by giving him toys or food.

2) Obedience – A good trained dog is an obedient dog. Proper training initiates respect from your dog. When your dog respects you, he is easier to manage. This will also mean that you will have to use less force or restrictions (like always keeping your dog chained up, or locking him up.)

3) Acceptance – You and your dog is more accepted in society and other places if he is manageable. A trained dog is easier to take along anywhere without being a nuisance.

4) A trained dog is a happy dog - A misbehaving dog can cause trouble not only to others and his owner and but also to himself, since if a dog misbehaves, he is bound to be chained up or locked up and thereby giving him less freedom. This causes anguish both on your side and your dog’s leaving you both strained up.

If your dog obeys you it is easier to give him more freedom and leave him unchained and that results in more fun and happiness. It is easy for you to leave your dog unlocked or even taking him out to play if he obeys you.

5) Training saves your dog’s life – Imagine anyone adopting or looking after a bully dog? On the other hand a trained dog can easily be given for adoption or to be looked after if you are moving to a different place or going out for a few days.

I would like to recommend "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer" by Adam Katz. [] . One of the reason I personally liked this book, is Adam methodically explains each stages of the training process, which according to him can be divided in 3 important phases - The Learning Phase, The Reinforcement Phase and The Proofing Phase.

Another thing that he mentions in the book is ‘consistency’ in training. In other words, insisting on a certain behavior every time. Once the dog has learned what the command means, he needs to be “re- taught” the command in a variety of different settings. Because he will more likely only associate response to the command in the initial setting you’ve trained him in, he needs to “relearn” the command in different types of areas.

The methods mentioned here are workable and easy to understand, although I do not say that this can be your complete guide book – you may not agree with a few methods and find a different approach better, I recommend that you read his arguments and then take your own decision. After all you know your dog and environment better, but the basic training methods and information I found in this book is priceless.

Check out other Dog training sites

Online Dog Training Site : []

Step By Step Dog Training: []

Potty Train your dog in 7 days : []

I have found these sites very useful; "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer" : [] Online Dog Training Site : [] Step By Step Dog Training: [] Potty Train your dog in 7 days : []

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Basic Commands Used in Training a Dog

There are naturally many rationalizations for owners to want a tranquil, obedient and true dog. For one thing, obedient and trained canines are rather more content animals, less sure to get into tussles with people or with other dogs. Another reason is that many communities require that the dogs living in their districts be well trained. This is particularly so for many breeds thought to have aggression and behavior issues breeds like pit bulls and rottweilers for instance. And manifestly, training your dog well will also make she or he a miles better family companion, especially in houses where there are babies. When brooding about training your own pouch, or having someone else help you train it, there are particular basic commands that must definitely be mastered for a dog to be considered really trained.

Heel, it is vital that any dog learn the way to walk beside its owner on a loose lead, neither pulling ahead nor lagging behind. Answer to the word No the word no is one word that all dogs must learn. Training your dog to respond to this imperative word may help to save everyone a lot of difficulty. Sit Training your dog to sit on command is an indispensable part of any dog obedience training program. Stay, A well trained dog should stay where their owner commands, so stay is a very critical command in dog obedience coaching.

Down, lying down on command is far more than simply a captivating trick; it is a main part of any successful dog training session. Training your dog properly fundamentally strengthens the bond that already exists between dog and handler. Dogs are pack animals, and they look to their pack leader to tell them what to do. The key to successful obedience coaching is to set yourself up as that pack leader.

Building yourself as pack leader is a very important idea for any potential dog mentor to understand. There's only 1 leader in each pack, and the owner must build him or herself as the dominant animal. Failure to do so leads to all kind of behavior issues. A correctly trained dog will answer properly to all the owner's commands, and will not display stress, disaffection or problem.

Dog obedience coaching gives the dog an exceedingly important job to do, and a urgent goal to reach. Giving the dog a job is more vital than you can think. Dogs were at first bred by humans to do vital work, for instance herding sheep, protecting property and protecting people.

Many dogs today have no vital job to do, and this will often lead to boredom and psychological behaviour. Basic obedience training, and continuing sessions, supply the dog with an extremely important job to do. This is particularly critical for high energy breeds like German shepherds and border collies. Sessions are an amazing way for these high energy dogs to use their extra energy and simply to have a wonderful time.

Incorporating playtime into your dog obedience sessions is the most effective way to stop both yourself and your dog from becoming bored. Playing with your dog helps to buttress the vital bond between you the pack leader and your dog.

Leash Training

There are lots of varied styles of canine obedience training, and finding the one which works best for you is crucial for making a dog that may be a gifted, unswerving and true member of the family. All successful techniques of canine training work to fortify the connection between dog and handler, and the basis of any successful coaching programme is getting the status of the dog. Luckily, dogs are wired fundamentally to find leaders, and to follow the direction of those leaders.

This lesson concentrates on one of the most well liked techniques of canine obedience training the leash / collar type of coaching. Other articles will target the other popular form of coaching dogs, often called reward coaching or positive strengthening. Both leash / collar coaching and reward training have been around for an exceedingly long time, and they have proved their efficacy over a period of time. The sort of coaching that works best will vary greatly from dog to dog, and from breed to reproduce. It is really important to recollect that each kind of dog has its own unique qualities, reinforced by centuries of careful breeding. Naturally characters of individual dogs alter rather a lot, even inside established breeds. You, as the owner of the dog, know better than anybody which kind of dog obedience training will work well, so it is very important to work with the tutor you opt to attain your goal of a prepared, obedient and genial dog. Collar and leash coaching is the simplest way to do many varieties of dog obedience training, especially in circumstances where the dog must have a great amount of trustworthiness. For example, dogs that have a vital job to do,eg rescue dogs, police dogs and guard dogs, generally benefit from collar and leash coaching. In collar and leash training, various degrees of force can be employed, from slight prompts with the lead to extremely oppressive corrections. The quantity of correction used should be suitable to the situation, since using too much correction, or too small, will be ineffectual. In a leash and collar based canine obedience training programme, first the dog is taught a specific behaviour, sometimes with the leash. After the dog has demonstrated that it understands the command, the leash is then used to fix the dog if it disobeys, or when it makes for a mistake. The leash is the main kind of controlling and conversing with the dog in collar and leash coaching.

When using collar and leash coaching, the dog must be instructed to trust the handler and accept their directions with no question. For the dog to be fully trained, the handler must prove the facility to place the dog into a posture or position he doesn't want to take. This does not necessarily imply using force, nonetheless it does often need some level of physical manipulation. This manipulation is most simply and safely done using the key tool of collar and leash coaching the leash. It's critical for each would be dog coach to grasp the leash is just a tool.

While the leash is a crucial tool in this type of training, it's important for the dog trainer to be well placed to ultimately achieve similar results using whatever tools are to hand. Even if the sole tools at hand are the owner's body and talent, the dog should be ready to obey.

Making a leader / proponent relationship between handler and dog is still vital, and it's crucial to use the leash as a tool and not a crutch. A correctly trained dog should be ready to obey whether the leash is present or not.

For more information on dog training techniques and how to deal with problem dog behavior (like chewing), check out Secrets to Dog Training. Its the complete manual for dog ownership and is designed to fast-track your dogs learning. You can visit the Secrets to Dog Training site by clicking on the link below:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Chihuahua Dogs – The Easy Way To Train Your Chihuahua

In Vancouver, Chihuahuas are popular.  The tiny dogs are everywhere.  Perhaps you have one or are thinking about getting one.  What about training it?  Likelihood is that you live in a small apartment in Kits or Yale town.  No matter how tiny it is; it must be well behaved.  Well, is training Chihuahuas easy?  They are terribly unique dogs for sure!  But is training them any different than say a German shepherd?  Not particularly.

Chihuahuas are still dogs and so they still follow “dog” rules.  If you’ve got any experiences with dogs – and regardless of if you don’t!  – You will do very nicely.  You can correct their behavior extremely simply by just following some simple tips.

All dogs automatically feel that they are a part of a pack of dogs, as in the wild before they were tamed.  Chihuahuas are no different.  This is true whether or not they are the only dog for miles around.  It’s hard wired into their behavior.  And each pack has a top dog, the one that controls the remainder of the pack.

By defining who the top dog is; the remainder of the dogs fall into line.  Without a clearly outlined top dog, the other dogs will become worried.  By understanding this, then you will know who should be the top dog.  You!

Try it.  Next time you eat; don’t feed your Chihuahua if he wants something.  Eat your food first.  Then feed your Chihuahua.  Let him eat.  Then, take the food away after five minutess.

This will let your Chihuahua know that you control the food and you are the top dog.  Another thing you can try is to not fuss over your dog when you come home.  Top dogs don’t do that.  Let your dog know that you’re home and let him welcome you.  But do not fuss.  This also will reinforce the fact that you are the top dog.

With obviously defined rules of who is top dog – you – your small Chihuahua will fall into line and behave.  So you can take her for walks in Kerri dale in Vancouver or on the seawall and keep her or him in your apartment and everything will be fine!  While there are dog training services in Vancouver, like K9 or Bark busters, you can teach yourself – for quicker and less expensive results!

View the original article

How To House Train A Dog - What You Need To Know Before Starting

Learning how to house train a dog is one of the first and most important things any new dog owner should do. You can easily get frustrated when you do not understand the basics of this process.

Even though its impossible to give you all the necessary tips to show you how to house train your dog in this short article, I will try giving you some basic first tips. These tips are very crucial in the process of training a dog.

It's my hope that these tips will make it a bit easier for you in the process of training your dog. Its also very important to properly house train a dog when you consider the fact that general hygiene issues are the number one reason why dogs are surrendered to animal shelters these days.

The amount of work you have to do training your dog can seem overwhelming, but don't panic you can successfully house train any dog. All you need is the patience and knowledge of how to go about doing this. You need to pay attention to your dog and observe its attitude towards certain commands. You will need to persevere and stick with the right training plan. You won't help issues by jumping from one training method to another.

There is no magic solution to training a dog for cleanliness. It takes a little work on your side. You will succeed within a short time with the right information. Don't just give up and feel its tough before you even begin. I presently have 7 wonderful dogs and I house trained all of them successfully within a short period of time. What I basically did was to first acquire the necessary knowledge, then I took the time and had patience to follow it through.

In my experience with all my dogs and helping train other people's dogs, I have found out that one of the first things you need to do to successfully house train your dog is to give it rules and routines. Dogs need this to be able to remain clean around the home. Dogs benefit from having rules and a routine laid out for them. This will also be of benefit to your home in terms of cleanliness around the house. Establish good toilet and hygiene habits in your dog when training them for cleanliness.

For some dog breeds the best age to start house training them is between 8 to 12 weeks. This should not be applied strictly with all dog breeds. You need to get the right training information to find out what applies to your dog breed. Dogs of all ages can still be trained for cleanliness around the house. You dog doesn't have to be a puppy to be trained.

You need to first choose a suitable place outside your house where your dog can relieve himself. When you have found a suitable place, get your dog acquainted to that area. Let your dog spend a lot of time in that area. When your dog has relieved itself, move it away from the area for sometime.

Do this several times and your dog will start understanding that that area outside the home is meant for it relieving itself. Please, don't be harsh on your dog while trying to house train it. It takes time for some dogs to get use to certain new habits or routines. Reward your dog every time it follows your house training directives.

Restrict the movement of your dog to the area you have chosen for it to relieve itself, during periods when you have noticed your dog usually relieves itself. This is where observation comes in on your part. There are other quicker methods of getting your dog house trained which I have tried and continue to utilized in my dog training work.

I have gotten my knowledge from some of the top experts in the animal welfare and dog training industry. You too can learn from these experts to. You can have access to the same excellent information I continue to utilize with great results.

But, I must warn you to be cautious when trying to select information to house train your dog. Not every information out there is good for your type of dog. You need to be careful not to permanently harm your dog with the wrong training methods or techniques. Dogs are precious and must be treated well.

There are many websites, books, training videos and other resources available to help you house train your dog the correct way. This way your dog will not be harmed by the many wrong training methods out there. Some people just buy and buy many different dog training materials, when all they really need is tested and proven information.

To successfully house train a dog you have to make up your mind that this is important enough for you, to get the necessary information you need. If you have not made up your mind to acquire the knowledge or tools you need, then am sorry to say it might be difficult for you to quickly house train your dog. But, if you have made up your mind, then you will quickly have a dog trained for cleanliness at home.

If you can't take the time to do what you need to teach your dog, then there's no point in spending your money getting training materials on how to house train your dog. You need to realize that its wiser to spend your money on good, dog house training material than spending much more money on cleaning your house.

You can successfully house train your dog, all you need is patience and the right information.

Victor Nelson is a Researcher, Educationist, Consultant and Pet Lover. Do you know so many people harm their dogs while trying to house train them. Can you afford to make such a serious mistake with your dog? You need the right information about house training your dog. Visit: to find out the top sites, the best dog trainers in the world get their dog training knowledge from. He reveals these websites at his blog site.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

How to House Train Your Dog

House training is undoubtedly the one aspect of dog training that is essential to ensure that your dog becomes a valued member of your family. As with many other aspects of dog training, the best method of achieving a successfully house trained dog is to use your dog's own nature to your advantage.

A wonderful thing about dogs that can make house training much easier, is that dogs are instinctively very clean animals. The majority of dogs would rather not soil the areas where they sleep and eat. In addition, dogs are very good at developing habits. This can be used to your benefit in relation to establishing a set place for your dog to urinate and defecate. For example, dogs that are used to eliminating on concrete or gravel will prefer to eliminate there rather than on grass or dirt. It is possible, and desirable, to use these natural canine tendencies when house training your dog.

The first step in house training your dog is to set up your training area. A small, confined space such as a bathroom, or part of a kitchen or garage, works best as a training area. This method of training differs from crate training. Crate training is great for puppies and small dogs, but many larger adult dogs find a crate too confining if they haven't been used to it from an early stage.

It is important that you spend as much time in the training area with your dog as possible. Use this area to play with your dog, and let your dog eat and sleep in the training area. Provide your dog with a special bed in the training area - this can be anything from a store bought custom dog bed to a large towel in an appropriately sized box. At first, you will probably find that your dog will want to eliminate in this area, but once your dog has recognized the training area as his or her own space, he or she will be much more reluctant to soil it.

The next step in house training is to set up a toilet area for your dog. Your dog must have ready access to this place every time he or she needs to eliminate. It is also important for you to accompany your dog into the toilet area until he or she gets into the habit of eliminating in that area. This will help reinforce to your dog that there is one area for toileting, and no other.

Regular meals for your dog assists in making the house training process easier for both you and your dog. Feeding your dog on a regular basis will also have the added benefit of creating a regular schedule for your dog's toilet habits. Once you know when your dog is likely to need to eliminate, it will be simple to guide your dog to the established toilet area.

Once you have your dog using the toilet area on a regular and systematic basis, it is very important to not confine your dog without access to the toilet area for long periods of time. If your dog is unable to hold it, he will have no option but to eliminate in the training area. And this occurrence will confuse your dog. He will no longer associate the toilet area with being the ONLY area in which he can eliminate. You will thus be making your job of house training your dog more difficult for yourself.

When your dog is consistently eliminating in the toilet area and not soiling the training area, it is time to extend that training area to the rest of the home. This process should be done slowly, starting with one room and slowly expanding to the rest of the house. The area should only be extended only once you are sure of the dog's ability to control its bladder and bowels.

First expand the training area to another single room, and allow your dog to eat, play and sleep in that room, but only when supervised. When it is not possible to supervise the dog, place it back in the original training area. Then, after the dog has accepted the room as an extension of the original training area, the area can be extended.

Once your dog has become used to sleeping in the bed within the training area, you can move the bed around the house, relocating it from room to room. But when you are not with your dog, he or she should be confined to the training area.

You can speed up the house training process, but it is important to proceed cautiously. It will be much easier to take your time in the beginning than to have to retrain a problem dog later. You should always praise and reward your dog each and every time it uses the established toilet area. It is equally important not to punish your dog for mistakes. Punishment will only confuse the dog and slow down the house training process. You wouldn't consider punishing a baby for soiling its diaper, would you? Or even a toddler for soiling his or her pants from time to time? Your dog is the same as a human child in this respect - he needs time to learn both to control his toileting, and what you require of him.

Brigitte Smith runs two websites dedicated to dog training, dog care and dog health:

Grab your free special report here: Healthy Happy Dogs or here: Dog Training and Wellness

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dog Training Books - Why You Need One to Obedience Train Your Dog Correctly

If you are a puppy or dog owner it is natural that you will want a well behaved and well balanced companion that is a joy to have around. No one wants a dog that is continually misbehaving. For a dog to become a well behaved pet and know how it is expected to behave as a member of your household, your dog will need guidance and training from you.

For your training to be successful, you must first have a good understanding of the right dog obedience training techniques to use. I highly recommend getting yourself a copy of one of the best on-line dog training books to teach you how to train your dog the right way-and get the results you want, rather than struggle with incorrect training methods that never really work as well as hope.

Not only is it fun to see your puppy or dog enjoying learning his new tricks but if you do the training the right way-using only the positive conditioning techniques that are taught by the best of the dog training programs-you will create a lasting bond of trust and confidence between you and your dog. This bond will ensure that your dog will always do his best to please you. He will learn to respect you as the "Alpha" dog of your little pack and look to you for guidance rather than just do whatever he wants when a whim strikes him.

So, how do you choose the right dog obedience training program? The Internet is full of choices, and many of them offer conflicting advice. How do you know which dog training program really is right for you?

The very best programs all agree on something very basic-the best results come when you train your dog using positive reinforcement techniques. Intimidating a dog enough to make it cower may get your dog to sit, but it also destroys your dog's self confidence and trust in you and certainly takes all the fun out of the training for both you and your dog.

These days the best trainers emphasize that training should be done in a manner that communicates with the dog on the dog's level. All too often we make the mistake of talking to our dogs as if they were just a fuzzy four legged version of a human. In a well done dog training program you will learn what not to do when you are training your pet, as well as what you should do-avoid making costly mistakes in the first place.

All the best dog obedience training books stress positive conditioning techniques, and will teach you not only how to actually do the steps of each exercise(sit, stay, etc.), but also give you an understanding of why you are going about the training in this particular way by teaching you how your dog sees things. It is very eye opening to learn how differently dogs see the world than we do. The better you understand your dog's point of view and body language, the easier it will be for you to properly train your dog.

Without a good dog training book you just lack the information you should have to do the best job training your dog. If you are using the wrong techniques, or sending out confusing messages to your dog because of inconsistency, you could spend months trying to train your dog without getting good results. You will just end up being angry and frustrated, and your dog will end up confused and only partially trained.

Obedience training your dog should be fun, not a grind. By making the experience positive and fun, both you and your dog will really come to enjoy the daily training sessions and create a lifelong bond between you. So, get started the right way by choosing a great dog training book for the help you need to get the best results.

So, get yourself a copy of one of the best on-line dog training programs and get started obedience training your puppy or dog the right way. I have reviewed 5 of what I feel are the best on-line dog training programs available. Please click here to see my reviews, and find one that seems best suited for you. Online Dog Obedience Training Program. Dog Training Books Reviewed

If you want to read some more helpful dog obedience training articles, please check out the information on my website. Please click here to visit.